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Carnegie Mellon University | School of Architecture
Instructor Joshua Bard | Professor Nicolas Azel | Fall 2016
Project Site : Allegheny west
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
This project creates and develops a building proposal for a new Grow Pittsburgh Center for Urban Agriculture in Pittsburgh. It serves as an active community center, like a social hub or gathering area, that brings people into the site. Through this center, people will get more connected with their neighborhood and community by participating in many activities and events. With many activities like cooking, planting, learning, and eating, the new Center for Urban Agriculture can serve as the central sustainable community, as well as develop social connections, contribute to building capacity, and empower communities in urban neighborhoods.
This proposal focuses on axial pathways that encourage the engagement and flow of people, goods and ideas within the community. Two large open spaces invite visitors in from both the front entryway and the back ground-level barn, which are at the north and south corner. The building program is organized into community market, greenhouse, administrative offices and barn for equipment lending. Also, to respond to environmental issues such as high noise level, pollution, and water drainage in the neighborhood, I used green roof to resolve in decreasing them.

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